Start your interior design business

Designing a space takes more than design flair. It requires project management skills, knowledge of environmental sciences, social media marketing skills, brand identity awareness, and so much more. In this exclusive e-book you will learn how to get started, how to build your brand and achieve your career goals.

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Interior design, like never before.

In 50 pages, you'll learn how to start your own business, and to position yourself in a competitive market. Chapters include guidance and inspiration on:

  • Brand strategy development and execution
  • Finances, accounting and hiring
  • Sustainability practices
  • Interior design trend forecasting
  • Social media marketing
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Brought to you by Portaire

This report was written by the team at Portaire. We are a software company focused on giving interior designers the tools they need to elevate their studios. With our platform, designers can source, specify and schedule in minutes. You can start your interior design journey for free just below.

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