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How interior designers are integrating smart home technology in their designs

Discover how technology is revolutionizing interior design – one device at a time.

smart home technology virtual assistant voice activated assistants
Woman using smart home technology on a tablet by Ross Helen
How interior designers are integrating smart home technology in their designs
Clara Carlino de Paz
May 16, 2023

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This article was originally posted on Making Space, a Substack penned by our Cofounder, Matteo Grand. Subscribe below to receive more content just like this.

As technology continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace, it inevitably seeps into every aspect of our lives. One such area where it has made a profound impact is interior design. The rise of smart homes, equipped with advanced automation systems and cutting-edge technology, is revolutionising the way we approach the aesthetics and functionality of our living spaces... And as always, interior designers are on the front lines of change.

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In the past, technology often clashed with the aesthetics of a home, with cumbersome gadgets and tangled wires interrupting the visual harmony. However, with the advent of smart home devices, designers are now able to seamlessly integrate technology into the overall design of space. Technology is no longer an eyesore but an integral part of the home's form and function.

Smart homes empower homeowners to personalise and customise their living spaces like never before. Through advanced automation systems, designers can tailor their clients' environment to a never seen before level, which not only enhances convenience but also allows for the creation of unique atmospheres that reflect one's personality and mood. Technology acts as a facilitator, enabling homeowners to curate their desired ambiance effortlessly.

Plus, smart technology drives efficiency and cost reduction. Temperature and light controls, which we’ll get into soon, create a pleasant and energy-efficient environment. Furthermore, smart appliances offer increased convenience on a "life" level by streamlining household chores and freeing up time for more meaningful activities.

As technology becomes an intrinsic part of interior design, traditional design principles and processes are evolving. Designers now consider the integration of smart home technology during the initial planning stages, ensuring that the infrastructure supports the seamless incorporation of devices. Spaces are being reimagined with considerations for wire concealment, power sources, and connectivity, enabling homeowners to fully harness the potential of smart home innovations.

You might be wondering what some of these devices look like, so let’s get into the new devices interior designers should plan for:

Smart Thermostats: These devices allow homeowners to remotely control and automate their home's heating and cooling systems. They can learn user preferences, adjust temperature settings based on occupancy, and even integrate with weather forecasts to optimise energy efficiency. This is a must for sustainable designers, plus, a cost saver in the long run.

Voice-Activated Assistants: Devices like Amazon Echo (Alexa), Google Home, or Apple HomePod serve as central hubs for smart homes. They respond to voice commands, providing information, controlling other smart devices, and even performing tasks like playing music or ordering groceries.

Smart Lighting Systems: These systems enable users to control their lights remotely, create custom lighting schedules, and adjust brightness or colour according to their preferences. Some smart bulbs also integrate with voice-activated assistants or motion sensors for added convenience.

Smart Security Systems: These include features like smart door locks, video doorbells, and security cameras. Homeowners can monitor and control access to their homes remotely, receive alerts for suspicious activity, and even communicate with visitors through smartphone apps.

Smart Appliances: Modern appliances, such as refrigerators, washing machines, and ovens, can be connected to the internet and controlled remotely. They offer features like grocery shopping management, energy usage tracking, and the ability to start or adjust cycles from a smartphone.

Home Energy Monitoring Systems: These systems provide real-time data on energy consumption, allowing homeowners to identify areas of improvement and optimise energy usage. They can also integrate with other smart devices to automatically adjust energy settings for efficiency.

Smart Entertainment Systems: Devices like smart TVs, sound systems, and streaming devices offer integration with voice-activated assistants and smartphone apps. Users can control their entertainment systems with voice commands, stream content from various platforms, and create immersive home theatre experiences.

Smart Smoke Detectors: These devices use advanced sensors to detect smoke or fire and send notifications to homeowners' smartphones. They can also integrate with other smart devices, such as lighting systems, to provide visual alerts or automatically turn on emergency lighting.

Smart Window Treatments: These motorised blinds and shades can be controlled remotely, allowing homeowners to adjust natural light levels, increase privacy, and even schedule opening and closing times. Some models can also integrate with sensors to automatically adjust based on sunlight or temperature.

Smart Irrigation Systems: These systems use weather data and soil moisture sensors to optimise watering schedules for lawns and gardens. They can adjust watering cycles and durations, conserving water while ensuring plants receive the right amount of moisture.

Water Leak Detectors: These sensors can be placed in areas prone to leaks, such as near pipes, sinks, or appliances. They send immediate alerts to homeowners' smartphones when they detect water, helping to prevent water damage and costly repairs.

Pet Surveillance: These devices include automated pet feeders, smart collars with GPS tracking, and interactive toys controlled through smartphone apps. They allow pet owners to monitor and care for their pets even when they're away from home.

Smart Beds and Mattresses: These innovative sleep solutions offer features like sleep tracking, adjustable firmness or positioning, temperature control, and integration with other smart devices to create optimal sleep environments.

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